Purpose of This Document
This document summarizes scope of the exploreapollo.org project. The Project Scope section enumerates the user experience features that are required. The Features section is a technical breakdown of the individual elements that make up the Project Scope.
Project Scope
### Static Website
* A user should be able to visit exploreapollo.org and be presented with information about the project and an option to access the main application.
Application Index
- Show a list of featured stories
- Show a list of features moments
Story Overview
- Gives an overview of the Story’s moments
- Shows a list of Story’s moments
- Has a freeform description body field
Moment Viewer
- Mission Elapsed Time timeline
- Behaves like a regular audio player where the begin time is MET = 0 and the end time is the end of the mission audio
- There is a track head that indicates the current position in the audio
- For the current Moment there is a highlighted range that indicates the start and end time of a Moment.
- Moment Body
- Displays freeform content associated with a Moment.
- Showcases “related” moments, if they exist. Similar to how a blog post might have “related” content.
- Transcripts
- A stream of transcript elements that correspond with the playback of the current Moment.
- This is similar to a stream of messages in a chat room.
- Each transcript element has
- Speaker
- Channel
- Photo
- Timecode
- Message
- Up Next
- Lists the Moments that are available as a next action
- A user can click on the related moment and they are taken to that Moment’s player
Moment Creator
- User has the ability to create a moment
- Has fields for start time and end time
- Field for title
- Text editor for moment body
Story Creator
- An interactive interface allowing user to pick moments from a provided list in a separate area, and from the story creator the user should be able to organize the moments and click save when finished to create the story having these particular moments.
User Account Management
- A visitor can sign up from the homepage
- A user must verify their email before they can use it
- A user can resend the verification email
- A user has a dashboard where they can see the stories and moments they have created.
Sign Up Process
- User fills in sign up form. Only show required fields: name, email, password.
- User is directed to a page that says something like “You must verify your email before you can access your account”.
- A user clicks a link in their email to verify their account
- The user’s account is verified and they
- Can create and own Stories and Moments
- Users have a
- name: First name and or last name, we don’t care
- email: unique email for user
- password: must be at least 8 characters in length
- A user’s email must be verified before they can create anything.
- Has a dashboard where owned stories and moments can be viewed and their editors can be launched
- An entity representing a real-life conversation in respect to a particular topic. A moment is engaged by a group of people who actively participate in the conversation
- A single moment comprises of multiple channels that are remotely enabled via the web server.
- Moment attributes
- MET (start/end time)
- A list of channels involved in the moment
- A list of “up next” moments displayed toward the end of “now playing” moment
- Transcript
- Background information
- Others: images, video, fun facts, etc
- Moment is pre-defined and provided to user at run time
- Progression of Moments presented as audio clips that are relevant to a user-defined topic of interest.
- The user will be able to navigate to different Moments in a Story by selecting the corresponding range on the MET
- User should be able to create a new story and save it for later